25 C
Friday, May 3, 2024
Accueil Others Nearly a million Togolese live abroad

Nearly a million Togolese live abroad

A few months after the announcement of the latest figures regarding the population of Togo until 2022, the number of Togolese living abroad is also known.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 950,436 Togolese citizens, including 55.8% women and 44.2% men, are living abroad.

The figures were declared after a general census of the Togolese population, which was followed by a report to the Council of Ministers.

The result indicates that the majority of Togolese living in foreign countries reside in Africa with 855,464 people, while on the other continents they are scattered as follows: 57,928 in Europe, 22,299 in Asia, 14,365 in America and 380 in Oceania.

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