The registration of Togolese in the diaspora extended

Initially scheduled to end on June 7, 2022, the census of Togolese in the diaspora has been extended to June 30, those responsible for the project announced on Tuesday.

The objective of this extension is to allow all Togolese in the diaspora to continue to register.

The operation, which began on March 8, aims, according to the government, to draw up an inclusive and open mapping of Togolese living outside the country.

It will also make it possible to know them quantitatively and qualitatively. “To date, several hundred compatriots have registered.”, the government said.

The census is carried out directly online on a dedicated platform. As a reminder, this first edition is carried out 3 years after the establishment of the High Council of Togolese Abroad (HCTE).

0 thoughts on “The registration of Togolese in the diaspora extended

  1. What a joke!!! Only few hundreds registered? I thought there were ten thousand people registered the day after?? Did some of those cancel their registration?
    This is a government that says one thing and does exactly the opposite. They want to help the diaspora and yet they are setting up every huddle known to mankind in its part to help in the development of the country.
    I would commit a suicide before registering on any platform belonging to this horde of criminals.

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