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Saturday, May 4, 2024
Accueil ACTUALITES Africa-COVID-19 tests reduced to 50 USD within ECOWAS

Africa-COVID-19 tests reduced to 50 USD within ECOWAS

Citizens of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) will no longer have to pay more than 50 US Dollars for their PCR-COVID-19 tests before traveling across the member countries of the West African bloc.

This is one of the decisions relating to the health situation, taken this weekend by Heads of State during the meeting in ordinary summit by video-conference.

As part of the Community’s determination to harmonize protocols, this new rule will regulate the movement of populations from one country to another during the pandemic.

This is not only a good news for Togolese who were initially paying 40 000 F CFA, about 74 USD for each PCR-COVID-19 test, but also for the citizens of ECOWAS who frequently use among others Kotoka International Airport in Accra, where the famous and compulsory test is 150 USD. 

During the conference, other measures have also been taken regarding the fight against Coronavirus in West Africa.

Reports suggest that a revolving fund for COVID-19 vaccines will be set up, in order to guarantee the availability of doses in the region “by common short-term supply and regional manufacture in the medium and long term”.

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