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Thursday, May 9, 2024
Accueil ACTUALITES Togo's FM Dussey receives the International Prize for Human Rights

Togo’s FM Dussey receives the International Prize for Human Rights

The Minister of Foreign Affairs for Regional Integration and Togolese Abroad, Professor Robert Dussey was awarded on Saturday in Islamabad, Pakistan, the International Human Rights Prize.

Announced since December 2021, this honorary distinction is awarded each year by the International Commission on Human Rights.

This prize is intended as a reward for the services rendered at the diplomatic level by the Togolese official, “in the service of the ideal of a more just, equitable, safe, sustainable, in short, simply more human world”.

“The prize that I have been awarded today convinces me that I can still and we can still do better for the cause of human rights and peace in the world”, the head of Togo’s diplomacy said.

As a reminder, apart from his diplomatic, negotiation and mediation missions, the Togolese Minister of Foreign Affairs regularly publishes forums and opinions on many international issues and respect for human rights.

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