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Accueil ACTUALITES Italy seeks Togo's support for its Expo 2030 candidacy

Italy seeks Togo’s support for its Expo 2030 candidacy

Mario Giro, the Italian government’s special envoy arrived in Lomé on Thursday April 19 to meet the Togolese Head of State as part of Italy’s international promotional tour counting for Universal Exhibition Expo 2030.

Faced with countries such as Saudi Arabia and South Korea, the candidacy of the city of Rome is largely supported by the authorities of the country, hence the sending of an emissary to Togo who is also a member of the International Bureau of Expositions (BIE).

“Togo is an important country with which Italy has maintained close relations for a long time. We want a different universal exposition here each country presents its own pavilion in order to meet the different challenges of our time”, M. Mario said after his meeting with Faure.

Mario Giro who was Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs came to the capital Lomé on Wednesday with the Italian ambassador to Togo and Ghana, Daniela Olandi.

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