Togo-Football: The striker Kevin Denkey victim of racism in Belgium

During a league match in Belgium last week, the Togolese international, Kevin Denkey was victim of racism comments from some of the supporters.

Although the match between his club, Cercle Brugge and Derby Brugge ended in a draw, the Togolese striker was insulted because of the color of his skin.

Denkey didn’t want to talk about it, but eventually decided to open up on social media. “I don’t often share my personal thoughts on my social media, but I have to share something with you. I’ve been thinking for some days of actually posting it, but finally I decided to do so because I feel morally obliged since this is going far beyond just playing the game we all love.” he explained first, before continuing:

“ Last weekend I was saddened by the supporters of the opposing team who shouted “Monkey, Monkey” at me during the game. Right after the match, in a press report a journalist clearly referred to me as a “Donkey”. I hope this was just an unintentional mistake.”

“ I really believe that everyone can change and be educated. In 2021, there is no excuse for racism or social abuse. We have all the tools to educate ourselves. When you love football, you love everything, including everyone behind, regardless of who they are or their skin color.” he stated on social media.

“There is no place for racism in the world. Always be nicer than you feel and educate yourself to be a better person. One love for people and football.” he concluded.

The next day, the 20-year-old footballer received messages of support from his compatriots and from the Togolese Football Federation.

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