Ivorian Fily Sissoko takes office as new World Bank Representative in Togo

Fily Sissoko, the new Resident representative of the World Bank in Togo, officially took office this week and was received on Tuesday by the Prime Minister, Victoire Dogbé. The Ivorian thus succeeds Hawa Cissé Wagué, who arrived at the end of her mission on July 1, 2022.

Fily Sissoko has two decades of experience at the Bretton Woods institution, which he joined in 2002 as a financial management specialist in the Dakar office.

In Togo, the new face of the Bank (the twelfth since 1982), will strive to strengthen the institution’s commitment in the country in order to continue supporting the implementation of the 2025 Roadmap, and strengthen dialogue with government and key parties.

“It is with great enthusiasm that I take office in Togo, to strengthen the already fruitful partnership between the country and the World Bank Group. I come to a country where the strong commitment of the leaders to carry out a structural socio-economic transformation is manifested through actions and major projects in several areas. Our current portfolio is already doing well, but I will work to boost it further to provide sustainable solutions in response to the needs of the populations,” the official said.

As a reminder, the current World Bank portfolio in Togo amounts to $917.5 million and includes 19 projects and programs in several priority areas.

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