Togo – Legal Saga continues for journalists Lawson and Sossou

In a recurring legal drama, Loïc Lawson and Anani Sossou are expected back in the courtroom, to face charges filed by Minister Kodjo Adedzé. The Lomé court will witness their appearance this Wednesday, echoing a situation reminiscent of Ferdinand Ayité and fellow journalists.

The accusations against the two journalists include defamation, spreading false news, and incitement to revolt, as alleged by Urbanism Minister Kodjo Adedzé in connection with a reported theft at his residence. Initially detained, Lawson and Sossou were granted bail on December 1, 2023.

Just when it seemed the curtains had fallen on the case, the journalists were once again summoned to the Lomé court on January 17, 2024, leaving the trial’s outcome hanging in uncertainty.

This legal saga draws parallels with a past defamation case involving journalists Isidore Kowounou, Ferdinand Ayité, and the late Joël Egah, who had clashed with the same minister and another government official.

Despite the unfortunate demise of Joël Egah post their temporary release, the trio faced renewed court summons, subsequent trial, and sentencing in absentia. The surviving colleagues eventually sought refuge in exile. The unfolding courtroom drama raises questions about the state of press freedom and justice in the country of Faure Gnassingbé.

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