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Monday, May 20, 2024
Accueil ACTUALITES FIFA elevates Togo's international referee count to 14

FIFA elevates Togo’s international referee count to 14

The Togolese Football Association, FTF officially announced on Wednesday the addition of two new referees to the list of Togolese international referees, bringing the total to 14 for the year 2024.

Since December 14, 2023, the FTF has welcomed Akakpo Arima and Senyo Kossi among the international referees of the country, as revealed by the governing body of football in Togo.

These recent nominations, granted by FIFA, position Togo with a total of 14 referees throughout the current year. The “judicious” distribution includes six central referees and eight assistant referees, contributing to strengthening representation and expertise in the field of refereeing.

The significance of Togolese expertise in refereeing was particularly highlighted two months ago during the Under-17 World Cup in Indonesia. Togolese assistant referee Jonathan Koffi Ahonto was designated to officiate in the final between Germany and France on December 2, 2023.

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