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Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Accueil ACTUALITES Togo wants to increase the number of women in peace operations

Togo wants to increase the number of women in peace operations

In Togo, the proportion and presence of women in military personnel and contingents will increase significantly in the next few years, announces the government.

The Togolese Armed Forces (FAT) indeed officially became, a few days ago, the 7th beneficiaries of the Elsie Fund, a United Nations trust fund, intended to increase significant participation of women in uniform in peace operations.

Through this project, La Grande Muette aims to increase the number of women in its ranks from 6% to 10%, and their participation in UN missions from 6.91% to 14.62% by 2023.

With nearly 1,500 troops deployed around the world, Togo is one of the main contributors to UN peacekeepers. The country is also regularly distinguished by the United Nations for its professionalism.

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