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Saturday, May 4, 2024
Accueil ACTUALITES Togo-Suspension of the tax on vehicles

Togo-Suspension of the tax on vehicles

In Togo, the application of the tax on motor vehicles (TVM) is suspended as of April 11, 2022. The government announced on Monday.

The decision, taken the same day by the government, concerns all categories of vehicles for the transport of goods and people for commercial use.

Mentioned a few weeks ago following the rise in the price of fuel, this new measure is part of the continuity of the actions undertaken by the executive in favor of the purchasing power of the populations.

Therefore, it should make it possible “to attenuate the impact of the inflation observed on the activities of transport of goods and people”, explain the ministers of the economy and transport.

According to the Togolese authorities, other measures are being studied.


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La-bas Lomé
April 13, 2022 3:54 am

Are you serious or this is fake ???

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