Togo-Togolese must continue applying for visa for Turkey in Benin

Despite the opening of the Turkish Embassy in Lomé since April 1, 2021, Togolese, being subject to the visa regime to enter Turkey, must still continue to apply for a visa at the Turkish Embassy in Cotonou, in Benin.

According to a press release from the Turkish embassy in Lomé, the consular service of the said embassy is not yet operational.

“Visas are issued by the Turkish Embassy in Cotonou. They are kindly requested to continue with their visa application ( and make an appointment online, ”the statement said.

In addition, foreigners holding residence permits in Togo are requested to consult for information on the visa regime applied to their country.

As part of the measures taken against COVID-19 in Turkey, it is imperative to carry out a PCR test and obtain a code called “HES code” by filling out an online form on the site / at the latest 72 hours before the flight.

0 thoughts on “Togo-Togolese must continue applying for visa for Turkey in Benin

  1. Monsieur le ministre Dussey. Vous travaillez très bien et honnêtement parlant, on sent votre présence et on vit souvent vos activités. Bon travail.. Pour nous qui sommes de la diaspora, on cherche du nouveau et vous devez continuer par vous battre en notre faveur en changeant beaucoup de choses. Prenez courage et ne soyez pas distrait. Bougez les lignes, approchez vous des gens vous memes, ecoutez les bonnes bouches de vos propres oreilles. S’il y a une chose reprochee a beaucoup du gouvernement le plus souvent, c’est qu’ils sont ecartes de leur peuple. Changez cette attitude car vous avez beaucoup a y gagner. Travaillez pour le Togo et ses fils.

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