Togo launches its website dedicated to investment in the country

The Republic of Togo now officially has an internet portal dedicated to investments in the country. The minister in charge of the sector, Rose Mivedor, and Kodjo Adedze, her trade colleague launched the site on Monday.

Called “Investir au Togo”, the platform ( whose unveiling was coupled with that of the Investment Promotion Agency and the Free Zone, API-ZF (, is part of the service digitization policy advocated by the Government.

The site, designed with the assistance of Unctad, provides exhaustive information on the business environment in Togo, and aims to support investors in accessing information, carrying out administrative procedures and facilitation of their installation.

While waiting for new steps and the implementation of the digital one-stop-shop for investment, several procedures are documented, such as the obtaining and renewal of API-ZF, blue book, or investment code.

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