Togo-The government authorizes the reopening of places of worship and Bars

The Togolese government has decided to allow the reopening of places of worship and large bars ’after their closure on September 10, following the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases.

The decision taken by the government, after the advice of the scientific council and discussions with the main players, was announced Friday evening through press releases.

These reopenings, which take place following the observation of the drop in the number of contaminations in the country, must nevertheless take into account compliance with certain measures:

Limitation of the number of people, systematic wearing of a mask, systematic washing and disinfection of hands, physical distancing.

In addition, mobile vaccination devices will be deployed near places of worship and bars, in collaboration with religious leaders and tenants.

The measures, specify the ministers of territorial administration and tourism, “will be adjusted as and when the evolution of the pandemic in the country is observed”.

To this end, the restrictions taken last month “will be automatically re-enforced in the event of a sharp increase in cases”.

“Technically, the restrictions of the last few weeks have made it possible to return to less than 8% of positive tests with a vaccination which has accelerated. The stake is that the rate remains as low to avoid restrictions ”, explains the Secretary General of the government, Kanka-Malik Natchaba.

Finally, it should be noted that the reopening of large bars does not concern discos and nightclubs, which remain closed.

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