The Togolese Football Federation (FTF) again in mourning. The body announces that it has lost its General Secretary Chris Dakey, who died on Thursday February 24, 2022 following a short illness.
“The Executive Committee pays tribute to a great man who served Togolese football with dedication and selflessness,” a statement said.
“In the name of the Executive Committee and in my own name, I would like to offer my most heartfelt condolences to his wife, his children, the large DAKEY family, all the allied families as well as all the players in football. Togolese. May his soul rest in peace!” says the note signed by Colonel Akpovi, President of the FTF.
Mr. Dakey also went through the management of several clubs in Togo, including Gomido and Anges de Notsè, as well as at the University of Lomé where he was head of the Animation Division of COUL University Life.