Climate : The Readiness program launched in Togo

The Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources of Togo proceeded on Thursday, February 2, 2023 in Lomé, to the official launch of the multi-country Readiness program.

The initiative, launched with the support of the ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID), mainly aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the agricultural sector.

Entitled “accelerating the financing and implementation of low-carbon and climate-resilient priorities for agriculture and energy in agriculture in African countries”, this program will take place in three phases.

The first, which concerns the analysis of the gaps and needs of the country, will make it possible to strengthen the management of climate risks, the second will consist in the development of promising projects and the third in the establishment of a resource mobilization strategy.

“For all African countries, the difficulties of access to climate finance remain a concern”, said the Minister of Environment and Forest Resources, Katari Foli-Bazi.

The initiative should make it possible to build the capacities of national actors and increase the capacity to submit innovative projects for the Green Climate Fund.

Launched in 2015 on the occasion of COP21 in Paris, the multi-country Readiness program is an African initiative that is part of the implementation of adaptation and mitigation projects. It covers 23 African countries, including Togo.

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