Togo to soon have an international standing shopping mall

The West African Development Bank or BOAD, approved last week, during the meeting of its Board of Directors, a disbursement of 5.137 billion FCFA (about 8.5 million USD) for the financing of a shopping mall in Lomé, the capital of Togo.

The building which will be located in Bè-Massouhoin or GTA, will contain infrastructures including a food hypermarket, medium-sized stores, shops and galleries, restaurants and offices. All of which can accommodate up to 3,500 people, including 350 employees.

The ambition shared by the promoters and the Togolese government is to provide the country with a commercial platform of international standing, therefore contributing to making the country a first-rate business center, as provided for in the five-year roadmap.

Once launched, the implementation of the project developed by the French Group Duval, should last 18 months. As a reminder, in February 2021, preliminary stripping and earthworks were carried out on the site, located a few meters from the new administrative district.

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