25 C
Monday, May 20, 2024


Togo: Faure Gnassingbé appoints new ministers in government shuffle

Among the ousted ministers, notable departures include Minister of State Payadowa Boukpessi and Professor Akodah Ayewouadan.

New Peace Corps cohort to begin mission in Togo

In Togo, a new cohort of the United States Peace Corps is set to be deployed in the coming days. A group of 21 young volunteers took their oath on Friday, September 1st, in Lomé, during a ceremony attended by the Minister of Community Development, Myriam Dossou-d’Almeida, and the U.S. Ambassador, Elizabeth Fitzsimmons.

Togo Soja opens its first soybean processing plant

Established within the Adetikopé Industrial Platform (PIA), the local soybean processing plant known as 'Togo Soja' has announced the achievement of its first production milestone by processing 50,000 tonnes of conventional soybeans.

Togo-Twenty African youths shortlisted for Lomé Peace and Security Forum

As part of the inaugural edition of the "Lomé Peace and Security Forum" (LPSF), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration, and Togolese Nationals Abroad launched a call for applications on June 19, 2023. The purpose was to select twenty young Africans with the most compelling messages advocating for peace and the future of Africa. The results were unveiled yesterday evening.

Togo enforces helmet requirement for motorcycle passengers

In Togo, failure to wear helmets by passengers on two or three-wheel motorcycles is now being penalized. Following a two-week "intensified" awareness campaign on the roads, the National Police began making arrests on Monday, August 28, 2023.

Voters Registration : Togolese sentenced to one year in Prison for fraud

In Togo, the National Independent Electoral Commission (CENI) announced on Monday, August 21st, the disqualification of Togolese citizen Esso-hana Ware and his conviction by the judiciary for multiple registrations on the recently updated electoral lists.

TOGO/Medias : Honoré Adontui nouveau patron du PPT

Le Patronat de la presse togolaise (PPT) vient d'élire un nouveau bureau lors d'une Assemblée générale éléctive tenue ce mercredi 16 août 2023 à...

African Coffee Summit : Togo advocates for new Coffee paradigm

Uganda recently hosted the second summit of the Group of Twenty-Five African Coffee-Producing Countries (G25) from August 7th to 10th. Represented by the Minister of Trade, Industry, and Local Consumption, Kodjo Adedze, Togo actively participated in the event.

Niger- Intervention militaire ou le scenario de science-fiction de la CEDEAO, selon Alain Foka

En brandissant d’entrée de jeu l’option militaire sans avoir épuisé la solution diplomatique contre la junte qui a renversé le Président Bazoum, la CEDEAO ne s’est elle pas définitivement discréditée ? Après les ratées, et cafouillages contre le Mali, la Guinée et le Burkina, le bricolage dans le dossier Niger ne signe t’il pas sa mort cette fois ci.

Niger-The legitimate Government of Togo support the People of Niger and the transition authorities

The Government of Former Prime Minister Agbeyome vehemently objects to the posture adopted by ECOWAS, Western countries, and France regarding the current situation in Niger.

Droits des consommateurs : l’ARCEP partage l’expérience du Togo avec la Guinée

L’Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques et des postes (ARCEP) partage « l’expérience du Togo en matière de protection et de défense des droits et intérêts des consommateurs » avec son homologue de Guinée.

The fate of Togolese women giving birth on the ground

Amnesty International is calling on Togolese authorities to urgently improve access to maternal health care in the country, and reduce infant and neonatal mortality. This is part of the conclusions of a report published by the NGO on July 31, 2023, African Women's Day.

Les plus populaires

Togo-Yacoubou Moutawakilou, condamné à mort et exécuté pour son engagement pour le Togo

Depuis ce triste jour du 13 janvier 1963 où Sylvanius Olympio fut assassiné, tous ceux qui ont essayé d´affronter la dictature en se mettant sur son chemin, furent impitoyablement éliminés. La liste de tous ces martyrs, assassinés d´une façon ou d´une autre, est longue. Les nombreuses tentatives depuis le début des années ´90 pour humaniser le pouvoir d´état et le rendre aux Togolais, n´ont pas pu résister à la terreur militaire, seule légitimité de la dictature du père en fils.