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Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Accueil ACTUALITES Covid-19 vaccination : Togo begins the booster dose

Covid-19 vaccination : Togo begins the booster dose

As we reported a month ago, the administration of the booster dose of the vaccine against covid-19 is now effective in Togo. The government officially launched its start-up on Monday.

This campaign concerns those who received their two doses of AstraZeneca, Pfizer or Sinovac, or their single dose of Johnson & Johnson, at least two months ago across the country.

Also, these doses will, for the time being, be administered to persons 18 years of age and over.

The introduction of this booster dose was made necessary, given the appearance of variants and the sharp increase in cases of contamination in recent weeks in Togo.

To date, over 2 million doses of vaccine have been administered in Togo, and just over 11% of the target population has already been fully immunized.

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