Togo kicks off the two-day Cybersecurity Summit

Togo hosts from this Wednesday, the two-day Summit on Cybersecurity. The event, which will be held at the International Conference Center of Lomé, should mobilize around 700 participants from around thirty countries.

No less than 17 ministers and heads of state will be present, alongside private sector leaders and civil society leaders, to try to set a new course for cybersecurity in Africa.

On the menu of this high-level dialogue meeting, an opening ceremony chaired by the Togolese Head of State, Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé, presidential, ministerial and expert panels, conversations, keynotes as well as networking breaks . All around a dozen main themes.

A series of cyberattack demonstrations is also planned, in order to raise awareness of cybersecurity issues and introduce good digital practices.

0 thoughts on “Togo kicks off the two-day Cybersecurity Summit

  1. Hello there
    I think this is the time to be awake because Hackers are everywhere and I always said it coming soon so you have to be ready, Hackers are developing new tools everyday, phishing is the easy one send out just click and you done.

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