Togo-Soon possible to easily change phone network operator

In Togo, it will soon be possible to easily change operator while keeping your telephone number, announced this Tuesday, April 11, 2023, the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Posts (ARCEP).

The body reports that the start of the technical implementation of mobile number portability in Togo was launched on April 07, 2023 at its headquarters, in the presence of the two mobile operators Togo Cellulaire and Moov Africa Togo.

Indeed, ARCEP carried out a market study in October 2021 which showed that 95% of consumers surveyed were in favor of mobile number portability in Togo. Following this massive membership, the regulations relating to the portability of mobile numbers were adopted by decision n°137/ARCEP/DG/22 of July 18, 2022 and approved by the Minister in charge of electronic communications by order n°008/MENTD/ CAB of August 12, 2022.

“Number portability is defined by Article 4 of Law No. 2012-018 on electronic communications of 17 December 2012 as amended as “the possibility for a user, subscribed to an electronic communications service provider, when he changes supplier to keep the same geographical number without changing geographical location and to keep his non-geographic, landline or mobile number when he changes supplier while remaining in Togo”, specifies a press release.

“In other words, portability offers an unsatisfied customer the possibility of leaving their operator for another operator while keeping their number. The reasons for dissatisfaction can be, for example, high prices, unsuitable offers, poor quality of service or coverage, poor customer service or any other reason,” explains ARCEP.

To do this, the body announces that it has chosen the Dutch solution PortingXS (PXS) which has already been deployed in around twenty countries around the world and in particular those in the sub-region such as Ghana, Benin, Senegal and Nigeria. .

According to the schedule agreed with the two mobile operators, mobile number portability should be effective in Togo during the last quarter of 2023.

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