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Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Accueil ACTUALITES A Togolese newspaper suspended with a heavy fine

A Togolese newspaper suspended with a heavy fine

The Togolese newspaper Liberté announces that it has been suspended again for three months, following the case of a young man shot dead on the road to Tabligbo last month.

on Wednesday, September 21, the newspaper Liberté, in its issue No. 3702, published an article entitled in French: “Primature: A man killed during the passing of the convoy of Victoire Tomegah-Dogbé”.

“While traveling to Yoto prefecture on Saturday, Victoire Tomegah-Dogbé’s motorcade was involved in a fatal accident. According to reports, the security forces who ensured her security allegedly shot a man, in unclear circumstances,” the article reads.

However everything suggests that the contents of this article did not please the Prime Minister.

The newspaper announced this Thursday, October 06, 2022, that it is the subject of a suspension by the judges of the Lomé court, with a fine of 12 million CFA francs fine.

According to the company, during the trial, “not a single word from the judges about the victim” mentioned in the article in question.

This is not the first time Quotidien Liberté is being punished by Togolese authorities. Among others, in 2020, the daily “Liberté” and the bi-weekly “L’Alternative” were accused of publishing articles containing “serious accusations” against the French ambassador at the time.

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