Togo wants to strengthen the economic partnership with China

The Joint Commission for Economic, Trade and Technical Cooperation between China and Togo held its second session yesterday. It was mainly focused on a review of bilateral cooperation and the making of new commitments.

he meeting was co-chaired via videoconference by the Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic, Sandra Ablamba Johnson and Qian Keming, Chinese Vice Minister of Commerce.

“It is undeniable that the state of implementation of the commitments of both parties is generally satisfactory. Significant achievements have also been recorded in various areas of cooperation, including water, education, health, agriculture, public works, transport, communication, digital economy, trade, infrastructure, administrative and sports ”, noted the Minister.

These efforts Beijing intends to consolidate, by articulating its support around the new government roadmap which gives pride of place to many sectors: health, infrastructure, energy, digital, commerce, investments among others. “China is ready to provide more assistance to the Togolese side as far as possible and depending on the feasibility and maturity of advanced projects,” said Qian Keming.

With this in mind, the Middle Empire will strengthen its involvement in several sectors in Togo.

A mission is thus announced in village water projects in the five regions. Access to satellite television in 200 villages is also expected to accelerate. Rehabilitation works are also announced at Niamtougou Airport and at the Lomé Presidency Palace.

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