Togo-Covid-19: The mix of Astrazeneca and Pfizer vaccines starts on Thursday

The Togolese government has decided to administrate Pfizer-Biontech vaccine as second dose to people who received the first dose of Astrazeneca.

This vaccination concerned all six health regions of Togo. As a logical follow-up to this campaign, Togo has acquired and deployed other vaccines, notably Sinovac, Pfizer, and Johnson and Johnson.

After these various initiatives and in order to accelerate the process of acquiring collective immunity, the Government decides to continue, from Thursday August 26, 2021, the vaccination with the administration of the Pfizer vaccine in the second dose to people waiting for their second dose of AstraZeneca vaccine.

Several scientific studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of the combination of Astrazeneca and Pfizer vaccines, hence the choice of the option of this strategy by several countries including Togo.

The persons concerned are therefore urged to bring their identity documents and their vaccination card to facilitate the confirmation of their registration.

As a reminder, Togo officially launched the vaccination campaign against Covid-19, with the AstraZeneca vaccine, on March 10, 2021 for the first dose, and on May 17 for the second dose.

0 thoughts on “Togo-Covid-19: The mix of Astrazeneca and Pfizer vaccines starts on Thursday

  1. Name the scientists who proved that mixing the two vaccines are safe and work. your criminal government in power just wanted to show WHO that its fighting the virus to get money, nothing more and they are prepared to use their own citizens as Ginea pig. horrible.

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