Togo-Covid-19 documents are no longer required at Lomé airport

Togo has put an end to health measures that required travelers to present documents related to Covid-19, such as proof of vaccination or PCR test results at the country’s international airport.

According to the new health provisions for entering and leaving Togo, “no travel document related to Covid-19 (proof of vaccination, negative result of PCR test or antigen test) is no longer required”.

However, travellers, departing from Togo, are recommended to check the health conditions related to Covid-19 in force in their destination countries in order to comply with them.

This decision is part of the normalization of travel, where the restrictions imposed following the pandemic are gradually being lifted.

As a reminder, to enter this West African country, vaccination against other diseases such as meningitis and especially yellow fever was required long before the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic.

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