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Thursday, May 2, 2024
Accueil ACTUALITES The minimum wage raised to 52,500 FCFA in Togo

The minimum wage raised to 52,500 FCFA in Togo

The guaranteed interprofessional minimum wage of 35,000 FCFA (about $57 monthly) in force since 2012, will experience an increase in Togo from Sunday, January 1, 2023.

On Saturday, the government’s social partners (trade unions and professional organizations of employers) reached to an agreement in this direction.

According to the terms of the agreement proposed to the executive, the minimum wage will be increased to 52,500 FCFA, (approximately $86 monthly) an increase of 50%.

This progress was announced by the Head of State, Faure Gnassingbé, in his message of wishes to the Nation.

Apart from this revaluation, the social actors have undertaken to continue to work “together, for the continuous improvement of the overall working conditions of employees, and in particular of the purchasing power of workers and households”.

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