Terrorisme au Burkina Faso : Cinq VDP tués près du Togo selon l’AFP
Selon des sources sécuritaires citées par l’AFP, au Burkina Faso, la position des forces de sécurité, principalement composée de supplétifs…
Selon des sources sécuritaires citées par l’AFP, au Burkina Faso, la position des forces de sécurité, principalement composée de supplétifs…
On the night of Thursday, June 21, 2024, the village of Bamone, located in the Namoudjoga district of northern Togo, witnessed a violent attack attributed to suspected terrorists, according to reports by L’Alternative
The north of Togo was once again bereaved following an attack that caused the death of at least twelve soldiers on Monday, July 17 2023.
A new terrorist attack has reportedly hit Togo at the beginning of last weekend, killing around thirty people in the north of the country, reported the colleagues from Jeune Afrique.
The capital Lomé hosted on Thursday and Friday the high-level parliamentary conference on terrorism and violent extremism.
Togo will be hosting from January 19 to 20, 2023, the parliamentary conference on the fight against terrorism and violent extremism, the government announced on Monday.
Togo held on Monday at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and Togolese Abroad, the 1st session of the Partnership Dialogue with the new European Union (EU) Commission.
Togo has been providing assistance for several months to the populations victims of attacks by terrorist groups in the Savannah region and beyond the national borders, announces the government, which indicates that the number of displaced persons already exceeds 4,000.
The Togolese parliament on Tuesday approved the six-month extension of the state of emergency in the Savanes region, located in the far north of the country, plagued by incursions by terrorist groups
The Togolese Army repelled another attack by terrorist groups on the night of August 22 to 23, 2022 in the Savanes region in northern Togo, we learn from local sources.