Protests were held in Austin, Minnesota in the United States on Thursday, December 30, 2021, in response to the death of a 38-year-old man believed to be a Togolese. Kokou Christopher Fiafonou was killed on December 23 by Austin police officer Zachary Gast.
US investigators have identified the policeman who shot the man after a standoff of more than 24 hours.
Gast has worked in the Austin department for two years. He is on paid administrative leave, which is standard procedure following a police shootout.

Investigators identified the man he was eliminated as Kokou Christopher Fiafonou, 38, of Austin. According to a medical examiner’s office.
Fiafonou died of several gunshot wounds. However, a knife was found near his body, investigators noted.
While officers from the Austin Police Department do not wear body cameras, parts of the incident were captured by a board camera, investigators said.
The Facts
Austin police said the shooting occurred following a standoff that began in the afternoon of Wednesday, December 22, 2021. Officers were called to the area after reports that someone was in circulation with a machete in hand.
Officers confronted Fiadonu, but he rushed into a house. they tried to shock him with Tasers, but it was also to no avail.
Police said Fiafonou threatened to injure people before retreating to a nearby apartment building. For more than a day, officers attempted to force him out of the building, trying to subdue him with pepper spray and foam bullets.
On Thursday, December 23, during the night, Fiafonou left the apartment and went to a nearby gas station. The officers followed him. In the parking lot, he clashed with police while carrying a knife, police said. This time Gast fired. Fiafonou died at the scene.
The victim is said to have mental health problems
In an online fundraiser for funeral expenses, a person identifying themselves as a relative of Fiafonou said his cousin has mental health issues and the police should have sought medical assistance instead of trying to. overpower by force. They said he didn’t deserve to be shot.
The BCA’s investigation into the police shooting is still ongoing. Once completed, the results will be sent to the Mower County District Attorney’s Office for review and possible charges.
According to corroborating information and as his first name suggests, the victim is from
We will come back to that.
Ne venez pas en Europe ou aux USA si vs avez des problèmes mentaux.
Il y a bcoup de filles et femmes togolaises qui souffrent de ce problème en Europe.
SVP parents togolais cessez d envoyer vos enfants fous ou folles en Europe ou aux USA.
Ils vont se faire tuer ou interner ds un hosto psychiatrique indéfiniment
A bon entendeur salut.
L Europe c est très très dur et ce n est pas fait pour les gens de faible mental ni de faible esprit ni de faible constitution physique
Toi mm ignorant. Qu ai Je dit de mal?
Ou bien toi mm tu as attrapé la folie aussi. J en ai bien l’impression que toi machin Gilbert tu as pris une folie et on doit t’interner ds un hôpital psychiatrique avec les policiers européens ou américains ne te tirent dessus.
Hongbo be Hongbo
Tu penserais a tort donc que la folie est heriditaire. A la naissance , aucun bebe ne rit de folie. Un trouble mental survient au fil de temps suite a plusieurs facteurs, et toi meme ou tu es tu n’es pas epargne
Une fois de plus protester contre la brutalite de la police face a des individus de race noire en Amerique
CeJeune homme a ete Cible. Voila la verite. C’est un phenomene qui sevit secretement dans Les pays occidentaux. Ce sont les societes secretes qui sont derriere cela.
Pour ce qui sont intelligents, faites vos recherches sur “LES INDIVIDUS CIBLES EN RESEAUX”
Vous verrez comment, avant de tuer la cible, on engage toute une communaute a Harceler la cible avec des “ARMES A ENERGIES DIRIGEES”.
Apres avoir touche le systeme neurologique de la cible, la prochaine etape est de le signaler a la police et Vous connaissez la suite si Dieu n’intervient pas.
Alors, faites vos recherches avant de prononcer des choses degradantes sur une personne qui a ete tuee.
C’est le moment pour la Race Noire de s’unir.
Malheuresement, Les societes secretes et des Reseaux ont infiltre nos communautes et beacoup se plaisent dans ce systeme de sacrifice humain.
En tout cas, la Verite est comme du FEU et on Ne peut la cacher pour toujours. Elle Sortira au Nom de CHRIST.