Togo- Emmanuel Adebayor lost his mother !
The former captain of the Togo Sparrowhawks Emmanuel Adebayor would have lost his mother, we learn yesterday from several sources close to the football Star
The former captain of the Togo Sparrowhawks Emmanuel Adebayor would have lost his mother, we learn yesterday from several sources close to the football Star
Paulo Duarte officially signed his three-year contract this Friday in the presence of the Minister of Sports and Leisure Dr Lidi Bessi-Kama and Colonel Guy Akpovy, president of the Togolese Football Federation (FTF).
During a league match in Belgium last week, the Togolese international, Kevin Denkey was victim of racism comments from some…
Bien qu’elle était annoncée comme souffrante depuis l’année dernière, la cause de son décès n’est pas encore connue.
The President of the Republic of Togo, Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé had a telephone exchange on Wednesday with his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
Le service d’immigration du Ghana a rapatrié 72 togolais, soupçonnés d’être recrutés dans le pays comme fraudeurs sur Internet, annoncent les médias locaux.
The vaccines will be administered in a single dose of 0.5 ml intramuscularly, to people aged 20 years and over, who have not previously received any other vaccine against Covid-19.
Des policiers espagnols ont saisi dimanche du cannabis d’une valeur de 400 millions d’euros au large des Îles Canaries dans un pétrolier immatriculé au Togo
Le Nouveau Sommet Afrique-France donnera la parole et mettra à l’honneur celles et ceux qui font vivre au quotidien notre relation et qui contribuent à construire un avenir commun entre l’Afrique et la France : acteurs issus des diasporas, de l’entrepreneuriat, des domaines culturels, artistiques et sportifs.», a indiqué dans un communiqué, l’ambassade de France au Togo.
The site, designed with the assistance of Unctad, provides exhaustive information on the business environment in Togo, and aims to support investors in accessing information, carrying out administrative procedures and facilitation of their installation.