Togo-Advertisements of traditional medicines now subject to authorization
In Togo, the dissemination of advertising spots and posters is now subject to prior approval from the High Authority for Audiovisual and Communication, HAAC
In Togo, the dissemination of advertising spots and posters is now subject to prior approval from the High Authority for Audiovisual and Communication, HAAC
In Togo, the central police station of Lomé arrested last week a suspicious car which had under the luggage, a total of 1300 12mm caliber hunting cartridges
The Togolese government warned on Friday that pieces of dolphins stranded on the Ghanaian coast are on sale in the markets of Kpalimé and its surroundings.
Togolese parliament Approved the establishment of an automation procedure during the fourth plenary session of the first ordinary session of the year 2021
Despite its very underdeveloped health system, Togo has been able to operate a remarkable management of the COVID-19 pandemic on its territory.
This is one of the decisions relating to the health situation, taken this weekend by Heads of State during the meeting in ordinary summit by video-conference.
After the first lockdown in April 2020 and the second general curfew observed in Togo during the Christmas and New Year celebrations, the government is considering a new curfew in the capital Lomé.
A Togolese soldiers on mission as United Nations peacekeeper in Bangui, allegedly killed himself with his own service weapon
The computerization of criminal records for Togolese residing in the country or not is taking shape. The site dedicated to this innovation is already operational.
The Togolese army is once again in mourning when four (4) soldiers are said to have died in a traffic…