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Friday, May 3, 2024
Accueil ACTUALITES Togo lifts the quarantine imposed on travelers from seven countries

Togo lifts the quarantine imposed on travelers from seven countries

The systematic 72-hour quarantine on arrival in Togo, imposed on travelers from seven countries for several weeks, has now been lifted.

This is what Minister of Health Moustafa Mijiyawa said in a note on September 22, to the head of the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac) and the National Institute of Hygiene (INH).

So far seven countries (Brazil, South Africa, India, United Kingdom, Russia, Portugal and Tunisia), were affected by this measure, which had been taken due to the circulation of Coronavirus variants in these areas of the world.

Henceforth, all passengers coming from these nations will therefore be subject to the same entry conditions as “those coming from other countries”.

They must therefore, before boarding, bound for Lomé, present the negative results of a Covid-19 PCR test, dating from less than 7 days and undergo another PCR test on arrival.

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